Wednesday, August 26, 2009

mini update

Haven't blogged in a bit....but that's because I'm not allowed to write anything about what's happening here! :o( I understand though. Erin is being cautious.....who knows who reads my thoughts. Plus I don't want to jinx anything. If I get too excited and tell the world, it won't actually happen.

In other news...I have finished wedding invites and we are going to mail them tomorrow. I addressed, stamped, and sealed 163 invites. I also, addressed and stamped 163 RSVP cards. I also made all the table numbers. 15 of them. There better only be 15 tables. Paper is ordered for the favor boxes, while the tags are all cut out, stamped, and hole punched. Bells are ordered, I already have 60 thanks to Jen! I can't do seating cards(bells) until I get RSVP's. We have to finalize the program and then I can make those. I also need to get ribbon. I did make our card box for those that bring cards to the wedding. So I'm in a good place! I checked my to-do list and basically what can be done is done. :o) (I'm preparing in case I get a job....I better get a job before then!)

I am sooo making Erin write thank you notes. He tried to get smart with me about how he is just showing up to get married...then I asked him if he wanted to make the favor boxes when we get the paper. His reply-- 'Hell No' I rest my case.

Oh I'm going to the tailors tomorrow to get my dress bustled and possibly hemmed. YAY!!

In other news....Nancy (Erin's mom) had quadruple by-pass surgery yesterday. Erin's brother is there right now. News is she is doing well, did well during the surgery, is in ICU (protocal), and will hopefully be able to take calls tonight. Erin's brother said she looked like hell, but that is expected. We are going to go visit this weekend and take her flowers. (Erin doesn't know about the flower part yet - I just decided)

Well that's all from here. I swear the minute I can I'm sooooo blogging about 'other' things! Here are some random pictures.

table numbers
favor tags (183 or them)
Lexi being sooo kind to help me with the wedding invites.
she wouldn't look at me....she was watching the camera light on the wall.


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