Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thank you cards

I started making our wedding thank you cards today today. I have about half made, but I need more ribbon. I like them a lot! Every one is different. I alternated the color square the thank you was on and the position of the ribbon/thank you square. Plus I only spent about $25 on all the supplies when all is said and done. I also figured out a way to save $$ on rehearsal invites. I'm going to use the scrap paper from these and get one of the invite stamps that I saw and liked at the store. This means no more paper or printer ink to by. If only printer ink was less $$. Too bad I have 15 invites made (they look GREAT Jen! - want them for 'samples?') -- from the original rehearsal dinner....I'm not even getting started on that topic....
Instead here are my Thank you cards. :o)


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