Thursday, July 9, 2009

another update

Lets see, lets see....
First off I have been without cable tv and internet for 2 days....this is my third day! UGH! I decided to brave the car with no air to come to the library! I needed to just surf the web/catch up on blogs/job hunt (I just applied to 10 jobs!) and what not.
Long story short I called to talk to AT&T about our bill/make a payment and they wouldn't talk to me because I'm not on the account....HELLO I'm trying to give you money!!! They said it's against SEC rules/regulations/law. I get that....HOWEVER, I have called 3 times and upgraded our service. They let me do that. How is that not against the law?! So I was pissed and had Erin call and cancel our service. I then called Time Warner and got us a good deal. $97 a month for the fast internet/standard cable/HD/HD DVR/Showtime for a year. It's a 2 year deal and can only go up $5 after a year. We can either keep Showtime for 1/2 cost or get rid of it. Not bad. That's more option than AT&T and about $30 less a month. It can't get installed until Friday. Ah well, I have been surviving and tonight we are going to hang out at his brothers house, so it should be good.

I sent out bridal shower invites is a pic

Aren't they pretty! Jen designed them, I just pasted them on some pink card stock. I love them! I can't wait....just over a month away! YAY! Jen is even going to stay in town Sat night, I need to look for hotel rooms. Plus my mom will be in town. So excited. :o)

Other than that, there isn't much going on. Still wedding drama with my future m-i-l. But what's new. I'm just focusing on keeping Erin calm. I've pretty much given up. Oh Erin bought me tulips last night. A surprise/feeling bad I'm without tv/internet.

Well I think that's it. I need to look for hotels. We will be back online sometime tomorrow. They are scheduled from 8am to 9pm. Love cable companies! Oh and I need to add a fire pit to our registry....Erin really wants one. Hope all is well!


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