Thursday, April 23, 2009

Harpers Island Recap

This is how bored I am these days....I'm going to start a Harper's Island Recap. :o)

The 'X' means they are dead, the '0' is who I think is the killer. (I know it's a little small and hard to read the pictures, but it you watch the show, you know who is dead. :o)

Right now I have the '0' on Jimmy....Beth's old flame from the island. I sort of thought maybe it was Hunter, but he was killed last night. Just think.....Jimmy conveniently didn't uncover the cousins body under the boat, remember he went in the water to get whatever ever was stuck out. He lives on the Island, so he knows where to kill these people, and no one is being found! Also, the boat thing last night...he works on the dock, owns a boat....But besides Kelly being killed, I'm thinking it's all a case of wrong place/wrong time, like he isn't doing this in any order.
I know I'm probably wrong. Maybe John Wakefield is alive, or Jimmy was his son.... :oP (my active imagination)
Who do you think it is?!


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