Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Beautiful Day

It's sooo pretty outside today! Today and tomorrow are supposed to be in the 60's. I think I'll have to do some reading outside today. By Sunday we are supposed to get snow. UGH! Maybe I can convince Erin to go for a walk tonight when he gets home from work. :o) I'm already going to try and get him to work on the flower bed, if that's what you want to call it, on Sat after our movie date. :oP I took some pics after my work out of Lexi watching her new friend. Here is her friend....I might feed him to come play for Lexi....
It's sooo cute, yesterday he got too close to the sliding glass door and she attacked the door. Thank goodness it was closed!
Also, triumph for me...I worked out with 5lb weights today! :o) I might not be able to move much for the rest of the day, but still 5lbs! Tomorrow I'm just going to do 5 min of cardio and 5 min of weights. A light day. Then I might take Saturday and Sunday off....well at least Saturday off. And why do they have you do 30 min of weights and then push-ups...let me do push-ups first! Ah well, We will see if I've lost any weight tomorrow when I put on my jeans. :oP I've even been eating less during the day. I had 5 glasses of water yesterday. Plus, last night we bought yogurt and cottage cheese for me to snack on during the day. I'm serious about this! For real this time! :o) If you want some good workout DVDs I highly recommend the ones from Self. There are a few more than what is on their website.


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