Monday, June 29, 2009

Our libraries

They are working on the OH budget and the Gov. wants to cut library funding by almost 50% -- that's 227 million dollars!

This article was in the paper Saturday and hits all the points I made to Erin when I found out. 

I love my library...

It's just down the street. Most weeks it's my reason to get out of the house!
It's saving me money because I no longer will go to half-price books and buy books. 
I just checked out books on Medical Terminology to gains some skills for my resume. 
For awhile, we didn't have internet, so I went to the library. 
Whenever I go, it's packed with little kids for reading time. 
Plus, they are playing a major role with helping others with their resumes, find a job. 
Also, if these libraries have to just helped raise the unemployment percentage for the state Gov. Strickland. 

I don't know what other states are doing. I know times are tough. But is this really going to help...I think not! It will just add to one of my reasons that I want to move away!! (and wish I hadn't moved here....What can I say, Love is a powerful thing!) 
To quote the article 'Closing public libraries will send a message to young people: "Go elsewhere." Strickland's proposal contributes to a downward spiral from which Ohio will never recover.'

We will just have to wait and see what happens.

From June 22 to June 25 Ohioans had sent 35,000 emails to our representatives. 

Others fighting for our libraries...


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