Friday, June 12, 2009

The Upgrade Rule

This is the upgrade rule. My mother has come up with this, how - I don't know, but I know it. She even told Erin this rule at the first family meal he came to...Thanksgiving, our first year together. 

1. Start off small. Don't over do it with a 3ct diamond ring. 1ct is enough.
2. Get the 'sets' - ring, necklace, bracelet, earrings
3. Get the 'sets' in each stone - diamonds, rubies, sapphires, pearls (women's choice - don't get rubies if you don't like them)
4. Once you have the 'sets' in your desired stones, you can start upgrading. (this can take several years)
5. Repeat steps 1-4 going up a size or two each round. 

Makes perfect sense! I have my moms first engagement diamond for my engagement ring (it started as my grandmas) I absolutely LOVE it! It's not what I wanted, we can afford what I wanted. So, in a few years...maybe many years, I hope to buy the Tacori wedding set that I love. Then I will hopefully have a daughter to pass my '1st'engagement ring to.

And I feel like posting a picture, so here is my favorite picture of Lexi - She is hiding from the didn't work, he found her.


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