Wednesday, May 20, 2009

goodbye fall tv

Goodbye fall TV! Out last season finale was last night. NCIS. I will say that out of all our season finale's Greys was one of the ended with what I call a real cliff hanger. All our other shows it doesn't leave us guessing a lot. I feel they ended as a normal episode, but we have to wait a few months before we can see what happens. I do wish they would give us a little film a few teasers to show as a preview after the season finales. :O) But it is fun, Erin and I just keep making guesses as to what is going to happen.

Now we are debating getting rid of cable for a few months. The plus is we can get caught up on bills and when I get a job get it back. However, then we have no internet....the library is just a stop light away so I can go there daily to job hunt. Who knows what we will do.
Ready for the weekend! I wrapped up gifts last night and am going to get all the laundry done today. Then that we can pack tomorrow. YAY Jens! AND this year we will see each other more than once a year!! We will see each other in September and October, hmmmm I wonder why. :oP Then, I'm thinking we will have to plan a visit before we try getting preg. I'm so excited for the rest of this year and the plans for the future years. Now if I could just get a feakin job! Then Erin can concentrate on finding a new job.
Here is a picture of Lexi today....she sits in the sun for a bit then come out from the window to cool off, she now likes our shoes.


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